mai 31, 2006

Back on blog, work and eurovision 2006

well 7 days of silence
what has happened MEANWHILE?
I Ttry to work as best as i can, trying to get some good sleep after. at least i sleep now late for a reason, and doesnt have to sleep in hehehehe. 2 nights on two nights off, and sleepy mornings and staying in bed after that till noon, no wonder, cauze i finish around 3 am- 5am in morning while "decent normal" 8-17
workers ias at sleep or javing theyr coffee cups. Heh. But I like that way. Why I have to be normal in somebody elses sense? I dont!

FINLAND ROCKED EUROVISION this year! congrats, they were out ouf luck for 40 yeaRS! this song was not usual eurotrashsong, something different with imagination. Those monster costumes :) see
Estonia had SANDRA SINGING swedish clone song similar of Sahlene's, only difference is that televoting gives seemingly power to nations with large audience to pass from semi to final, and we sucked there. only cure is to come up with new original song that will be liked over half of europe.
Lithuania was sarcastcly cool " We are the Winners", Cauze eurivission is a show really.
and they at least won in Lithuania :) and hearts of many Europeans. although they were booed first.
Interesting, what place could have icelandic bitchwannabe Sylvia Night gotten. She was show also.

weather is unsummerlike now cool and windy. and it rained today. last week it wanted almost blow off the bridge :) seriously. My mom had birthday, gave her funny card she liked it

Unrealized Moscow

Check out this site of my birthtown, Moscow and see soviets plans of grandeur that didnt happen

Funny Terror Alert sites

See also

Current status
Terror Alert Level


Terror Alert Level

they're hillarious :D

mai 23, 2006


Things are getting heated around Bronzesoldier. Tensions in the air.
I have started working for bakery
Eesti post allows people to design own stamps as a service on internet. Your own face in history :)
Saw doc on how Students change movement was crushed in Azerbaijan, down with bloody tyarnts
who beat and kill their own people, inc women and children while they have right to protest and wish changes.

Thought of the Day

The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot. Mark Twain

mai 18, 2006

New Job offer!

I move on to baking instead of cooking. I got offer from Bakery i left my contacts, i will start tomorrow. well see how it goes


Conspiracy or truth? This is flash video that has been circulating in Internet. In Recent days US Govt released the tape to public, well at least the suuposed plane hitting Pentagon i have seen in this flash before. So one can hardly say thats news, plus, there is no visible plane just an what was it? This flashvideo says it was a missile, see and make up your mind:

mai 16, 2006

Yahoo Answers

I tried today out yahoo answers feature and asked one of my questions, ya know heaven or hell question. from this post
Replies are available in Yahoo answers look for question Does humanity deserve heaven or hell or both? :)
This is not easy queastion as this doesnt have concrete answer. closest answer maybe is that both or liitle bit of both.

mai 15, 2006

Bollywood; Marilyn Monroes "Gent's prefer the blondes" and Conspiracy

Saw and voicerecorded Estonian_Indian made "only dollars" movie that was made as a result of the reality show Bollywood that was aired in Estonia's Kanal 2 tv channel. point of that show was that 10 artistic wannabees went to india to study and compete for two roles in Bollywood style movie. The movie was ca 45 minutes long and where one girl of semi-estonian background named samantha
is in love with Henri, soldier and future afghanistani warrefugee LOL hehe, but because of father disaproval the cant marry. meanwhile some year later daugter is kidnapped to be donor kidnay by some local baddy rich guy. with the help of two otheer ppl, he turnes to the help of Yogi become Henry. Oh, and movie includes dance and witch as well. werrrry hillarious. Oscar here we come LOL ;)
Heh, this was probably not top quality film, but it was hillarious. i take it as a joke.

See link is bollywood

And guess I SAW ALSO "gentelmen prefer blondes" on TV 3 i must say MaRYLIN WAS much better singing Diamonds are girls best friends in tHAT MOVIE than Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. Nicole is good though at least in the movie as singer, i dont have clue if she can really sing that well or is it tech illusion? ;)
so here it was two films about what money can do, when it messes their(peoples) heads
MaRILYN rocked of course!

Las night i also saw movie "Conspiracy" which was about infamous Wannsee meeting of Nazi officials who decided over Jewish question. They also showed last week or before that movie on Nuremburg trials. Nazi question! This also haunts us like plague.What Nazis did was inhuman, and not only with Jews. Nazis themselves said they(gemany) suffered between two wars cause of Jewish and Communist international conspiracy. I think the whole situatioan was like double-bladed sword. Nazis were people too, but the ideology converted them off road. and germanys plight only helped the process. Problem with official histories and movies is sometimes they show things in flavoured right, as there is also some opposing wies on some of the issues what and how nazis did. sometimes truth is somewhat muddled

Think we can escape our history, nope cause its even present at Estonian-Russian divide and events of 9th of May at the Bronzesoldier


Checked one of my orckut connectiontions, Shivaji's blog and left a note for a vist

mai 10, 2006

Peace on earth and end to war?/MY Reply to MR H and Mss.B

Yesterday was 9th of may. A day when WW2 ended for Europe. well, for nazis and communists an western world the war in europe was over. Hitler Kaput. Third Reich capitulated,Europes cities, villlages, capitals burnt. destroyed.damaged. and lots of people dead. But to the day war is not over. emotions are still with people, painful memories, for germans, russians, estonians and anybody who was torn into this war. For russians it is a major victory day, atleast for veterans and relatives. Then it also a sad day, for estonians, a nation torn into war in two sides. ideologies dont make good impact. Both sides caused destruction, yet people dont understand how painful day it can be at least from their point of view. Red Arrmy veterans say and believe that they bringed freedom from nazism which is true, but truth is also
that they didnt won alone, and they also brought another terror regime to many homes. Yesterday
there was "nice" incident in Tallinn, where former Soviet Army veterans gathered near monument of
Bronze Soldier, a monument to fallen soviet soldiers in erected in soviet time, now which has been named to signify deaths of soldiers and deaths of both WW2 sides, but the monument is still quite red in meaning for estonians. This is an annual event or at least last 15-20, a day of remberance when soviet army veterans, mostly russians and russian speaking old men and women(plus more increasingly offspring generations) gather to statute, bring flowers(lots of them) and chat and drink on "good old days". This year two estonians, who held officialy regiterered picket(rally, meeting)
came with estonian flag and sign saying that same soldier also brought occupation and misery to estonian homes. what happened was that some veterans who had too mucj of drink were annoyed by that, its almost sacrilegious to them to say to them that they were the bad guys. somekind of fight ensued, and police had to ecsort those two men to safety, arresting also drunken veterans. But the russian and soviet flag stayed, heh how ironic. this monument is nothing but the source of controversy.

Yesterday i saw two movies on War, Soviets in afganistan( "9th Company") and one a doc on about Battle of Sinimäed(Bluehills) during WW2 in Estonia
more later. war is dirty thing
Well this what i replied to H. I had more questions arised, i still wait answer, ido understand sorta the point what
reples where, but i just always have more questions

Wed, 10 May 2006 08:08:06 -0700 (PDT)
Re: Important - For your information.
To: undisclosed

"Thanks for your input H, and also B,
for taking time and answering it, even if its personal
viewpoint only. I also got one thought that somebody
noted to me, that these kind of automated letteres
from websites can be annoying in abundance and that
those recieveing them will not bother to read them,
atleast not all of them. Maybe just first one IMHO(i
gave that
a credit)
After reading H's letter and also B's
I now start to fathom the point. Couple of more
questions, was that letter a ruling on the matter
then? As i understand OPI voices/passes on info to the
public(correct?), before that then issue needs to be
ruled by UHJ(relevant body) or as i understand from
H's letter that this was a recommendation? Just
asking for clarity of point, to understand
organizational behaviour and dynamics in this matter.
I used my freedom before, in bona fide(good faith)
that this kind of signing(though automatically and way
before getting that letter, beginning of April is OK,
well at least to me. Heh, did i think about annoyance
factor, heck no. Poor humanrightwatch orgs and their
mailboxes hehee( i can say i was not only one, a good
excuse LOL :P), if i come to think this is kinda spam
:) not mentioning points raised by H. But it felt
natural, one has right to take stand on issues that
bother you and world, though i do understand that once
in organization you have to behave in context. At that
moment it was what us not forbidden, is allowed, that
was rule to me. Though i know sometimes my freedoms
should end where somebody elses begin. Oh well, i have
one more excuse, NO Body Is Perfect ;) :P hehehehehe
one can "always" use that, err maybe not in murder and
other deadly crimes? (HU)Man is such a complex being
isnt it? "

"Howdy Khaled and u guys, I've been giving this matter some thought and arrived at a conclusion. My guess is that since this public information in general and external affairs in particular may be quite a sensitive business, the OPC does not want any of the Friends (who might be identified as belonging to the Baha'i Community) to fool around by participating in lobbying schemes initiated by someone else, no matter how sincere the motive and praiseworthy the goal seems to be. We have people at the BWC and the BIC doing such work - let's not complicate their task. However, their opinions concerning the activities of individual Baha'is are just recommendations from their point of view - each Baha'i has complete liberty to do whatever he/she pleases until a relevant institution decides to make a ruling on the matter. E"

Week on towards summer/Additional replies to my questions Mr.H and MrB.

Heh, so loong time from last post. Weather is nice. I got MaN U tshirrt, an UMBRO one, heh real nice one. got to check my mail.

In my mail which at thime i checked once a week. i recieved two replies on my questions from my fellow bahais
First Mr.H gave his personal opinion. Then I got my mail from Mss. B

MY mail:

Tue, 2 May 2006 05:42:37 -0700 (PDT)

Subject:Re: Important - For your information.
To: Missis B

"Dear B,
If possible, id like to know what did John Lindsay say
about my questions, please? Sorry that i was unable to
meet both of you both in Pärnu and in Tallin, but if
its not trouble enough then if possible id appreciate
a email answer. my last letter was written in the
Khaled "


Subject:Re: Important - For your information.
Date:Thu, 4 May 2006 12:48:52 +0300

Howdy Khaled and u guys,
I've been giving this matter some thought and arrived at a conclusion. My guess is that since this public information in general and external affairs in particular may be quite a sensitive business, the OPC does not want any of the Friends (who might be identified as belonging to the Baha'i Community) to fool around by participating in lobbying schemes initiated by someone else, no matter how sincere the motive and praiseworthy the goal seems to be. We have people at the BWC and the BIC doing such work - let's not complicate their task. However, their opinions concerning the activities of individual Baha'is are just recommendations from their point of view - each Baha'i has complete liberty to do whatever he/she pleases until a relevant institution decides to make a ruling on the matter.
----- Original Message -----
From: Me
To: undisclosed
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Important - For your information.
Well, maybe i am asking wrong crowd, am i not? Silence in mailbox :) Hope this is not intensional. or silence is an answer, that i should ask someone else, cauze maybe you dont know? please let me know,please.

Reply from Missis B
Missis B

Subject: Re: Important - For your information.
Date:Fri, 5 May 2006 20:38:15 +0300

Dear Khaled,
I am also sorry that you did not have the opportunity to meet John, but
hopefully it will be possible next year. I am happy that Harri has
your questions and I think it is a very good reply. I am not sure what
would have said, but we talked about the subject and he said in general
the Universal House of Justice is very well aware of the situation and
as we
know has instructed the National Assemblies what to do and is working
through the Office of Public Information in a quiet, diplomatic way,
has proven to be effective. I hope that you are satisfied with these
I am glad that you are working and I hope that you are also happy about
Hope to see you sometime,

mai 02, 2006

Rhys's post card

i got postcard from rhys last friday. he was in Boston :)

Of the past few days

Last friday, a neighbour made me laugh, he was dressed as old woman, first he came as i was reading a letter on gates of my house and hit the gates with wooden stick saying " Young man.."
it startled me a bit, i thought what the heck....
then the lad, he is a year or two youngerthan me, when i looked at him, i understood it was him dressed as an old hag hehehe, i stateed to laugh. he played an joke on me and on somebodys birthday as well.
remindered me a day when we( my bro, me and another boy next door palyed b-day joke on their family, dressed up as wife, husband and son, a german family. My bro was son and other chap was Herr
and ślim me had to be Frau hehehehe, with make up and everything, even the peaches that "grew" in one day ;) LOL. This was my reply "grew", when guests next door asked how i got them :D

And on sunday there was a walpurgs night, a day when witches gather. or so the folks say
Some folks made longest broomstick in front of Port Artur, my neighbours had costumparty as wices
and on the night time there was a fireworks., that didnt lert us sleep, it was city fireworks.