detsember 23, 2008

check this

Books list

i have three books on my hand

I bought Mihkel Rauds Musta pori näkku....straitfoward, honest storytelling by Estonian mucisian about his sex, vodka and rocknroll lifestyle before he he decided that he has to stop far i like it

then theres book about Hitler...i have get on reading, sounds promising read
a bio and historical analysis about hitler early years and rise to power. and no i dont intend to become nazi hehe

and found fascinating book called Tutankhamun deception by Gerald O`Farell...well that guys who found tomb playd trick on at everybody and opened it before....

Hotel Rwanda

I saw the movie, well, the thought is that we humans can be pretty fucked up at times...gosh and so fanatical like crazy...yet we cant totally escape our dark side

Naljakalt kirjutatet

Naljakalt kirjutatud...

1. detsembril 2007 toimus Harkujärve Püha Esimärter Stefanose kirikus oikumeeniline õhtupalvus Taize lauludega, kus teenisid kaasa nii rooma-katoliku kiriku preester isa Igor Gavriltchik kui ka pastor loci isa Heigo Ritsbek. Kirik oli rahvast täis (kohal olid ka 50 sõdurit vahipataljonist koos kaplaniga) ning mitmete konfessioonide esindajaid. Huvitaval kombel ka Eesti Bahai liikumise juhid olid kohale tulnud. Õhtupalvus läks igati hästi korda.

Kuidas saab huvitaval kombel kohale tulla? haha. Lahe...aga kutsed