märts 19, 2014

​5 referendums that the West has not taken issue with — RT News

​5 referendums that the West has not taken issue with — RT News

The Corbett Report | Leap of Faith – FLNWO #13

In this month’s edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order we talk to Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com about “Leap of Faith,” the 1992 Hollywood flick starring Steve Martin. We talk about conmen and suckers, how and why people allow themselves to get fooled, and how the movie exposes (and reinforces?) the power of belief.
 For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).
Next month: Citizen Kane.
The Corbett Report | Leap of Faith – FLNWO #13

100 Years of War Lies DEBUNKED

märts 11, 2014

Записки мизантропа - 102 процента

В Крыму запустили официальный сайт референдума. И в первый же день перестарались: в онлайн-опросе за воссоединение Крыма с Россией проголосовали 78% (19681 человек), а за восстановление Конституции Крыма 1992 года — 24% (6144 человек). В сумме - 102 процента.
Записки мизантропа - 102 процента

A slice of life

A slice of life

Follow the Frog - Capitalism! Its always about green. ;)

Basically whole ad message: is buy our ( those companies at the end products with green frog) stuff, were now also partially green. Capitalism! Its always about green.


Selgusid Tallinna Ülikooli kirjandusauhinna nominendid | Kultuur | ERR

Selgusid Tallinna Ülikooli kirjandusauhinna nominendid | Kultuur | ERR

Somebody That I Used To Know - Pentatonix (Gotye cover)

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Greater Weight Gain Than Sugar

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Greater Weight Gain Than Sugar

Eesti Bandiit: Eesel Heeringas ja Nõialuud (1969)

Coca Cola's Low Calorie Beverages Will Kill You Before They Solve Obesity | Food Babe

Coca Cola's Low Calorie Beverages Will Kill You Before They Solve Obesity | Food Babe

The Well-Read Anarchist - An Introduction to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

TRANSCRIPT, SOURCES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/proudhon
RSS FEED: http://www.corbettreport.com/wrarss.xml

In this inaugural edition of The Well-Read Anarchist podcast, we explore the life and work of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. From his humble origins to his bold proclamation of anarchism to his brief political career, his imprisonment and exile, and his posthumous banishment to the fringes of the canon, we take a look at the thoughts and ideas of the first self-proclaimed anarchist. Joining us to do this are Shawn Wilbur, an independent scholar and Proudhon translator, and Dr. Alex Prichard, a lecturer in international relations at Exeter University and author of Justice, Order and Anarchy: The International Political Theory of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.

märts 07, 2014

Avaaz - Kill Keystone: the Carbon Mega-Bomb

Avaaz - Kill Keystone: the Carbon Mega-Bomb

What Connects the Walsall Anarchists, Nazi Pigeons and Ben Affleck?

On framing used people, birds of in wars and image doctoring by two western secret services.. fascinating stuff 1

The Resignation Seen 'Round the World - #NewWorldNextWeek

Avaldatud: 06.03.2014
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com -- the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: Osama bin Laden's Son-in-Law Trial Begins in New York City
FBI Had Human Source in Contact With Osama Since 1993
U.S., Allies Had Contact with Bin Laden and 9/11 Hijackers Many Times Before 9/11
Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B, Protected Terrorists and Stifled Investigations

Story #2: American Anchor for Russia Today Resigns On-Air Over Invasion of Ukraine
RT Anchor Liz Wahl Explains Why She Quit
RT Responds to Liz Wahl's Resignation
RT's Abby Martin Goes Off on 'Corporate Media' Propaganda During Piers Morgan Interview
Piers Morgan and CNN Plan End to His Prime-Time Show
Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show
Glenn Greenwald on media ownership and bias...before he went to work for a billionaire
Ben Affleck and Seth Rogen Testify Before Senate on Congo and Alzheimer's
What Connects the Walsall Anarchists, Nazi Pigeons and Ben Affleck?

Story #3: IBM Supercomputer Watson Now Has His Very Own Food Truck
Solar-Powered Drones from Facebook Could Deliver Internet Around the World
With 'Drone To Home' Service, Netflix Uses Satire Against Amazon

Updates: Bitcoin Firm FirstMeta CEO Found Dead in Suspected Suicide
NWNW Flashback: Bankster Suicides and Bank Run Chatter
Kroger, Safeway Say No to #GMO Salmon - Will Costco Be Next?
NWNW Flashback: Kraft, Chick-fil-A and Subway All Remove Various Chemical Additives After Outcry
NWNW Flashback: Biotech Company Behind 'Frankenfish' Faces Uncertain Future
James Corbett on The Jack Blood Show - March 4 2014
James Evan Pilato on The Jack Blood Show - March 5 2014

Visit http://NewWorldNextWeek.com to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn and share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report http://ur1.ca/39obd and Media Monarchy http://ur1.ca/kuec Thank you.

Previous Episode: Ukraine Set to Ignite in Civil War

WHO cuts its advised sugar intake in half - Health News | Irish Medical News | The Irish Times - Thu, Mar 06, 2014

WHO cuts its advised sugar intake in half - Health News | Irish Medical News | The Irish Times - Thu, Mar 06, 2014

Space Oddity (David Bowie + Kristen Wiig) - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Space Oddity

märts 05, 2014

Pantokraator - Vaim raiskub roojusse

Vaim raiskub roojusse... {W. Shakespeare´s Sonet no 129} (Mait Karm/William Shakespeare)
Vaim raiskub roojusse

Vaim raiskub roojusse
Häbi kaotus on iha saades teoks
Ja enne tegu ta on üks pettus, toorus
julm, reetlik äärmuslike süüde segu
Ja kustatatuks saand on ilgeks peetu

Kuid jumal õhutab taas pöörast jahti
Taas leiab rahuldust
Ja taas on neetud kui sööt
Mis neelajat ei lase lahti

Kes on ta kütkeis hullumärki kannab
Kord hinges ootus kuum, kord undlik hägu
Ta õndsust tõotab, armetuse annab
Mis ees on rõõm, mis möödas unenägu


Me teame, seda teame, kuid ei tõrgu
Teed käimas taeva, mis viib põlat põrgu
Vaim raiskub roojusse....

The expense of spirit in a waste of shame
Is lust in action: and till action, lust
Is perjured, murderous, bloody, full of blame,
Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust;
Enjoyed no sooner but despised straight;
Past reason hunted; and no sooner had,
Past reason hated, as a swallowed bait,
On purpose laid to make the taker mad.
Mad in pursuit and in possession so;
Had, having, and in quest to have extreme;
A bliss in proof, and proved, a very woe;
Before, a joy proposed; behind a dream.
All this the world well knows; yet none knows well
To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

märts 03, 2014

Mulle meeldib pildistada

Minu sõber, Ivar Merila meedias

Mulle meeldib pildistada (01.03.2014 09:00) 

Vaimupuudega inimestele ja nende lähedastele suunatud ajakiri „Vaimupuu“ korraldas 2013. aasta suvel fotokonkursi „Elu nagu filmis“, mis kutsus vaimupuudega inimesi leidma, lavastama ja pildistama filmilikke momente. Film „Mulle meeldib pildistada“ jälgib konkursifotode saamislugu kahes vaimupuudega inimeste laagris, vahendab fotohuviliste vaimupuudega inimeste arvamusi fotograafiast ning näitab, et vaimupuudega inimene on kohati ehk loomingulisemgi kui nn tavainimene. Filmi autorid on ajakirja „Vaimupuu“ peatoimetaja Janek Muru ja Maria Vita.


Neil DeGrasse Tyson Explains Why The Cosmos Shouldn't Make You Feel Small : NPR

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Explains Why The Cosmos Shouldn't Make You Feel Small : NPR

Päiväkirjan kuvat

Päiväkirjan kuvat

BREAKING NEWS: Gay Lover ‘OUTS’ Ugandan President – The Bill Is Just A Cover-Up!!! | Lifestyle Tabloids

Politicians are ALWAYS SHOWBUSINESS men :D

BREAKING NEWS: Gay Lover ‘OUTS’ Ugandan President – The Bill Is Just A Cover-Up!!! | Lifestyle Tabloids

Ugandan President’s Daughter Reveals She is Gay - Codewit World News

Uganda be kidding me  That be nice twist in whole Uganda Gay law saga..May her Dad will listen her instead of American Fundie Christian and other religiouns fundies influenced Uganda religiously charged politicians produced legal nightmare

Ugandan President’s Daughter Reveals She is Gay - Codewit World News

Why Russia No Longer Fears the West - Ben Judah - POLITICO Magazine

Yep, the truth is its all big fat oligarchs club and they all fake stuff on political arena, but imo Obama and western dermocracy gang are more fake rulers than Putin in terms of Power. West is basically governed by rule of petrodollar loving Banking Elite and all the goverments are PR runned front agents if they dont decide to throw crumbs of favors from their lavish money-power lustfeastorgy table. Here, doggies here some pro-gay rights, vote fo us. here here some child development pennies..gobble it up, nice dog, nice dog. if yall behave and vote me to be to be your master again, and fight with my enemies whover they become. illl give you some more.

Why Russia No Longer Fears the West - Ben Judah - POLITICO Magazine