september 29, 2014

Full-Fat Dairy May Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

Most mainstream dietary advice recommends low-fat or non-fat dairy. But a growing number of experts argue that it’s far healthier to eat and drink whole dairy products, with all the fat left in.
Dairy foods contain roughly 50 to 60 percent saturated fat, and conventional thinking is that saturated fat is bad for your heart. This idea has been thoroughly refuted as false. It’s a mistaken interpretation of the science. In a 2010 analysis,1scientists said:
“...There is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of [coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease].”
More recently, research presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in Vienna, Austria, found that eating full-fat dairy products such as whole milk, cream, cheese, and butter, reduces your risk of developing diabetes.
 more at :

Full-Fat Dairy May Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

Live And Let Die

Roger Moore, Double Ou 7!

Nice day for white wedding

september 26, 2014

september 21, 2014

Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train

Golden words from life itself:
I've listened to preachers,
I've listened to fools
I've watched all the dropouts
Who make their own rules
One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you live the role

september 18, 2014

Killer Queen

Happy Anniversary!
Queen @queen_brt
Roger Taylor - "WOW!!! 40 years of Queen. Who’d have thought it?"

John McCain Admits He’s “Intimate” with ISIS | The Anti-Media

Gotcha...Haaaa...he'll claim next its because he's in undercover mission to bust them :)) like that Rogue Detective arming criminals in Lets be cops movie..
Meanwile: "As I noted in an article earlier today,
The ‘moderate’ opposition to ISIS in Syria just signed a non-aggression pact with them, meaning that they will now fight together to topple Assad. So unless America and our war hungry allies are planning on completely manufacturing new rebels from Syrian refugee camps in Turkey, we have no friends in the region."
In other words: I LOVE when plan to f everything up comes together 
another gem from the article:
"President Obama says there are no boots on the ground. What are the 2000+ soldiers and 10,000+ security contractors wearing then? Sandals? Tennis shoes?"

John McCain Admits He’s “Intimate” with ISIS | The Anti-Media

september 16, 2014

Dracula Untold

it better beat this LIST or im not happy 
Watch and discover the man behind the myth. #DraculaUntold

Dracula actors list

What Is Your Hippie Name?

And the drum name is Melody :)) Groovy, baby!  

Has anyone ever told you that you march to the beat of your own drum? If not, we are! You've got your own groove that keeps you going. You're intelligent and very empathetic to the suffering of others. You always stick to your values and stay true to yourself. This is really admirable! Don't ever let the world get you down and keep on dancing to your own groove, baby!

What Is Your Hippie Name?

UCY.TV :: The Anti-Media Radio

UCY.TV :: The Anti-Media Radio

Legshaker- Tänased lubadused

Legshaker- "Lombi swing"

PööLoY GLääNZ - Armastus... või midagi muud

Pampaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa♥ või Midagi Muud! oioioioi! Palju õnne Meelis Sarv, Erik Nisu, Toomas Hindrichson; Raer Saar, Kalev Koidu, Olavi Kõrre ja kogu PG fännibaas. Tsiteerides klassikuid rokis uues:
Teele: Nooooo lõpuks omeeti sain ma sinult selleee õnnetu yeaah loo!, Koit!
Koit: Ei Teele, see yeah lugu on periss õnnelik! Ehk PööLoY GLääNZ lõpuks ometi Rraadio 2s. Tsekkkka seda: 17:37 Kõige kuumem lugu maailmas Täna!!
R2 Player
Raadio 2

ja video kah: eelmisesest aastast

Linastub Ilmar Raagi uus mängufilm «Ma ei tule tagasi» - Elu24 : Film

Linastub Ilmar Raagi uus mängufilm «Ma ei tule tagasi» - Elu24 : Film

september 14, 2014

DRIVEN - Kloun (Official video)

Köömes - Eristuda massist

Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour - Black Symphony Trailer

("I speak to you for the first time as Prime Minister in a solemn hour for the life of our country, of our empire, of our allies, and, above all, of the cause of Freedom.")

Sanctus Espiritus redeem us from our solemn hour
Sanctus Espiritus insanity is all around us
Sanctus Espiritus! Sanctus Espiritus! Sanctus Espiritus!

In my darkest hours I could not foresee
That the tide could turn so fast to this degree
Can't believe my eyes
How can you be so blind?
Is the heart of stone, no empathy inside?
Time keeps on slipping away and we haven't learned
So in the end now what have we gained?

Sanctus Espiritus, redeem us from our solemn hour
Sanctus Espiritus, insanity is all around us
Sanctus Espiritus, is this what we deserve,
Can we break free from chains of never-ending agony?

Are they themselves to blame, the misery, the pain?
Didn't we let go, allowed it, let it grow?
If we can't restrain the beast which dwells inside
It will find it's way somehow, somewhere in time
Will we remember all of the suffering
Cause if we fail it will be in vain

Sanctus Espiritus, redeem us from our solemn hour
Sanctus Espiritus, insanity is all around us
Sanctus Espiritus, is this what we deserve,
Can we break free from chains of never-ending agony

("A tremendous battle is raging in France and Flanders. The Germans, by a remarkable combination of air bombing and heavily armored tanks, have broken through the French defenses north of the Maginot Line, and strong columns of their armored vehicles are ravaging the open country, which for the first day or two was without defenders. They have penetrated deeply and spread alarm and confusion in their track.")

Sanctus Espiritus, redeem us from our solemn hour
Sanctus Espiritus, insanity is all around us
Sanctus Espiritus, is this what we deserve,
Can we break free from chains of never-ending agony!

Sanctus Espiritus, redeem us from our solemn hour (Solem hour!)
Sanctus Espiritus, insanity is all around us (All around us!)
Sanctus Espiritus, is this what we deserve,
Can we break free from chains of never-ending agony

DRIVEN - Üle vindi (Official video)

10 korda kuulsamaks

Oidke silmad lahti. PööLoY GLääNZi Arutus ( Mindlessness) albumilt ja Peatus ( Stop/ ( ex. He) Stopped/ Headlessness) on tulemas
tsitaat PP-sT.

"PööLoY GLääNZ toodab esimese video
Tänavu oma veerandsajandat aastapäeva tähistav punkrokk-kooslus PööLoY GLääNZ otsustas teha bändi ajaloo esimese muusikavideo, millele pandi lõpp-punkt täna öösel Pärnu Apollo kinos.
“Teeme video oma oktoobris ilmuva uue plaadi esimesele loole “Arutus”,” avas bändi eestvedaja Meelis Sarv. “Kasutame videos palju vana kontserdimaterjali, meie reisikroonikaid. Tegu on justkui ülevaatega PööLoY GLääNZi ajaloost.”
Sarve selgitusel istuvad videos bändiliikmed koos fännidega kinos ja vaatavad suurelt ekraanilt justkui dokumentaalfilmi PööLoY GLääNZist.
“Lugu “Arutus” tundus sellise idee jaoks väga sobiv,” arutles Sarv.
Kinoseanss võeti üles täna öösel Pärnu Apollo kinos koos bändi kõige andunumate fännidega. “Võte oli öösel, sest varem olid seal seansid,” põhjendas Sarv.
Video toodab Aavo Kubja ja see peaks rahvale näha olema Youtube’i keskkonnas oktoobri esimeses pooles, kui ilmub PööLoY GLääNZi neljas album “Peatus”.
“Fännidele uudiseks: just eile saatsime raadiotesse uuelt plaadilt oma esimese singli “Armastus või midagi muud”, millele plaanime samuti veel sel aastal muusikavideo filmida,” lisas Sarv. “Album ilmub 10. oktoobril ja seejärel suundume 25. aastapäeva tuurile, millel osaleb Contra, kes on 25 aastat luuletanud.”
Pärnakad näevad PööLoY GLääNZi juubelituuri kontserti 14. novembril klubis Volume. Külalisena lööb seal kaasa ansambel Kurjam. "

Ma seiklesin peale võtet esimest korda Alttiga, sattuseme veerevasse( huvitavad jutleused ( religioonist- rahvusluseni. Mind on lõpuks eestlaseks omaks võetud ja sõduriks ka ..pikk lugu) ja Rüütlisse patseerima APTEKI ette ja siis burksi ( ERlandia saiaga muide haha) sööma öösel ja koju kell enne ca 2te . lahe oli aga sürr kah. mulle mu "uus elu" hakkab meeldima juba