An ode to the plant kingdom, "Blossom" is not just a story of survival, but an audiovisual poem about thriving in the face of obstacles.
Inspired by the most powerful healing plants of ancient Estonia.
Written by Kerli & Ago Teppand
Produced & Mixed by Ago Teppand
Mastered by Svante Forsbäck
Additional Production by Kerli
Additional Percussion by Kristjan Kallas
Choral arrangement by Kerli
Choir Vocals Ülenurme laulustuudio
aprill 30, 2016
Paradoks rokib sama võimsalt ka mitukümmend aastat hiljem
Paradoks rokib sama võimsalt ka mitukümmend aastat hiljem: Paide rokisaurus ansambel Paradoks suudab endiselt sama kõvasti rokkida, kui aastakümneid tagasi, seekord tegutsetakse küll veidi muutunud koosseisus.
aprill 29, 2016
aprill 19, 2016
aprill 14, 2016
aprill 13, 2016
aprill 11, 2016
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