november 25, 2021

Are baptism questions proof of God's backing?

Steven Lett Pillowgate Satire

From Goatlike Personality YT channel :D

Steven Lett Pillowgate Satire

188 vaatamist
Avaldati 2 tundi tagasi
8,45 tuh tellijat
Faithful and Discreet Masturbation New Light Parody. This video is an disrespectful parody of self appointed men that try to micro manage other peoples genitals with guilt and shame. Its my short version of pillowgate rebuttal were Jehovah's Witnesses go to extreme length to define masturbation. Its important to remember that the governing body are self-appointed men. There is not second witness to their appointment suposedly by jesus in 1919. And since there is no second witness, you do not need to fear theese men. They are nothing but dirt, and they will go back to dirt just like everyone else. Do not fear them, because I am Goatlike. And I can explain this in more detail if you leave a comment. If Steven Lett or Gary Breaux feel they were missrepresented in this video, both of them are more then welcome to take part in an interview on this channel and tell their side of the story. Support my activism on Patreon: Or use my paypal acount: Follow me on facebook: Instagram: My farms homepage:

Chess_Denmark Cast Recording_ACT I.wmv

november 13, 2021

Reviewing JW Broadcasting - November 2021 (with David Splane) davidsplainin time 😃

Ex-JW: "My ex-JW parents are considering relocating due to harassment"

Avril Lavigne- Music Evolution (1994-2021)

Avril Lavigne talks about her new single Bite Me (out now)

Karl-Erik Taukar - Nad ei tea mu nime (Laula mu laulu 4, 6. saade - Vill...

J.M.K.E. Nad ei tea mu nime

Avril Lavigne: the new RED Hera starts NOW!

Karl-Erik Taukar - Me pole enam väikesed (Laula mu laulu 4, 8. saade - U...

Kulo - Me pole väikesed

Me pole enam väikesed

Heldur Karmo / Arne Oit

Me teame, mis on hellus, mis on hool,
meid saatnud armastus on igal pool.
On aastad olnud õnneläikesed,
kuid meie – me pole enam väikesed!

Refr. Las jääda meile ka käimata teid,
hulk karme päevi ja armunud öid!
Las jääda meile veel võitmata vood
ja meie laulda kõik laulmata lood,
ja meie laulda kõik laulmata lood!

Meid kanti hällist saati käte peal,
ei lastud varvast ära lüüa eal.
Meist hoiti eemal tormid, äikesed,
kuid meie – me pole enam väikesed!

Refr. Las jääda meile ka käimata teid …

Me tööd ja mängud võeti vati seest,
meid kaitsti kiivalt pettumuste eest,
said kätte toodud kuud ja päikesed,
kuid meie – me pole enam väikesed!

Refr. Las jääda meile ka käimata teid …

Avril Lavigne - Under My Skin (Full Album) [Deluxe Version] _Avril goldies!

Avril Lavigne - Bite Me (Official Video)

Avril stepped into bad bitch time machine 🙂 There's lots of Angst todays, so it will fall on fertile soil 🙂 Maybe bit too used rock Avril sound, but no bad not bad at all. 🙂

Religious journeys: Exiting different religions From Bahá’í to Christianity

James O'Keefe & HHS Insider Jodi O'Malley discuss #CovidVaxExposed Part ...

still reminding u that virus is real but whole brouhaha and whitewashing its problems around it just so culty. This is not science approach this is more becoming like Bully's and burecrauts doing things they love: Power. The truth is last thing they want: frankly ISIS would love this kind open rule day weve had past two years or JW governing Body or Scientology.
Whole planet is now new Scientologyish essentially. Give back your degrees to unis and hang your govt suits on cuboards, especially those who have became only rules matter people, cuz this is not way to get people to fight actual disease. Youre not in the army or cult. if u cant prove that your vaccines are safe then talk to people as long as not bully them! people are skeptical a for different reasons and and their health is so individual and reactions to your new vaccines can be different, their soci economical situation is different, its from wall to wall. all GOVT seems to care now is to get rid of vaccines and do vaccines . I know doctors prob want to fight disease more and HBs buT I wish u guys do that kind of massive Campaign to diet and healthy lifestyles. 5g and flat earther jokes wont make people do vaccines but making vaccines more safe and building human trust over time will and less confusing communication and making people who have done bad product and bad calls to be more responible , will!