Last week i had nice, interesting incident. I was sitting on a bench next to medow next Vallikraav and Käär( in english thats the place where it usede to be old town city wall, with fortifications and bastions and moat around it, nowadays there is place in that curve that open field concerts are held)
listening to music. It was Go LiVE annual concert sponsored by one mobile company. I was sitting there and listening to Ines, i need to rest after some walk. And then those some guys passed me, just some guys, young, didnt know them.
And Then one of them ponted at me talking to other saying
See poiss on Pede :P
That boy is Fag :P
Like hello...shrugs... i carried on sitting, why should i get mad :D
If i am so what? But I feel that im attracted to girls :)
More...for sure :)
But dont it makes you to wonder how easy we tag people. label without really knowing them?
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