detsember 02, 2015

Won't Someone Think of the Polar Bears?!?

Maurice Strong is Dead

Maurice Strong may be dead, but unfortunately his legacy isn't. Join James for today's thought of the day as we break down the extraordinarily improbably life and times of the 14 year old dropout from Manitoba who became one of the 20th century's key globalist supergophers and the father of the IPCC.

november 06, 2015

Cannabis as medicine - Dr. James Duke

Got this in My email. Those interested in topic, check this out
The mainstream news media variously
portrays legalized cannabis as: 1) a lark,
2) a health hazard and 3) a gold rush

All this obscures the simple reality:

Used correctly - which doesn't happen
to include smoking it - it is a fantastically
useful and versatile medicinal plant.

One of the best on earth, according to one
of the world's leading experts on the
medicinal properties of plants.

In this interview with Dr. James Duke
we demystify the cannabis plant and share
info about it you're never likely to hear on TV. is our newest project. We hope
you enjoy both the video and all the other information
on the site.


- Ken McCarthy
The Real Food Channel

oktoober 12, 2015

Sam Harris and Dave Rubin Talk Religion, Politics, Free Speech (Full Int...

Islamophobia - Example of Ben Affleck shooting himself in the leg stupidly in Bill Maher's show and not really realizing it.

Classic example of non-listening, being clueless and confirmation bias on behalf of Ben Affleck taken to parts here. After all, the religion is not a race. While bigot is a label also but so true is also that Ben Affleck strays into same area of he accuses the other side, ironically. To HIM. smile emoticon OUCH, Ben. You can do better! Homework next time would be a great idea wink emoticon
An original argument constructed to counter an idea.

The Idea: Criticizing Islam is a form of bigotry.
Advocates: Unworldly Liberals
The Argument: Islamophobia is an incompetent term with no useful working definition, used primarily to slander critics as bigots.
Advocates' Fault: Misplaced contempt and attacking straw men.

oktoober 02, 2015

Margit Petersoni kirjalaegas: Verd, higi ja pisaraid!

Margit Petersoni kirjalaegas: Verd, higi ja pisaraid!:    Kui mitu ööd ma ei saanud magada! Kui mitmel kiirel päeval ma ootasin õhtut, et seda raamatut edasi lugeda! Ütlen ausalt, ma ei ole am...

september 06, 2015

Mustanahaline eestlane: Teiste rasside vihkamine ei ole patriotism

Mustanahaline eestlane: Teiste rasside vihkamine ei ole patriotism

Moslemid ei ole siin kyll rass aga yldjuhul nõus artikliga. Islam ja fundamentalistid ja muud ususysteemid on hoopis alateema teemas aga lahendus siin on dialoog ja usukriitika. Religioonide varjupool ja mittearvestamine minoriteediga ujub siis pinnale ja nad teevad omale teadmata teiste ees blamaazhi.

Loodetavasti armastus võidab. Samas ma loodan et tugevalt sekulaarne Eesti aitab kaasa sissetulnud fundide ilmalikustumisele, muidu me kullakollapunasinine vikerkaarekoalitsioon saab sealt lõunast 200 plus enam häält kooseluseaduse rakendumise vastasleeri, nii irooniline kui see ka pole. Pange mu sõnu tähele, tuleb võib olla aeg kui see Kristlaste ja toetajate meelevaldus eelmise aasta kooselu seaduse debati ümber osutub tagantjärgii suht tsiviilseks. Kõik rassid ja palju rahvusi on juba nii või naa a Eestis. Nyyd tuleks nö relvad käest võtta/varju poolelt üle tuua valgusesse tuua nii palju fanaatikuid ja fundamentaliste kui võimalik. Nö.moderaatidega saab hakkama kuigi tegeleda tuleks ka nenda sest nad tekitavad mulje et religioonides peituks justkui varjupool ainult nö äärmusluses ehk siis programmides. Samas võib kogu OS olla nakatanud või olla systeemse veaga. Nagu systeemide puhul ikka. Hullumeelsuse definitsioon on teha üht asja kogu aeg sama moodi edasi uuesti ja uuesti ja loota erinevaid tulemusi. Soovin oma emamaale ehk ka vanavanemate maale ja kodumaale kylma pead, arukust, tolerantsi sinna kus on vaja ja sooja süda nendele kes on selle ära teeninud ja seda kurjalt
ära ei kasuta. või ei tule kurjade kavatsustega. ja tarkust teha vahet kes on kes. mõlema poole valguse poole püüdlejatele aga üksteisemõistmist. olen seisukohal et kõiki pimesi ja naiivselt vastu võtta on sa ma loll kui kõiki pimedalt ja teadmatult vihata. hakan vist filosoofiliseks satanistiks muutuma ses osas. aga mul on tytar ja elu on õpetanud. et varju pool on olemas. eriti kui kui tuua see välja ja siis vastatakse et see pole osa neist. et hoopis pahad äärmuslased. Võite mürki võtta et et see võib olla hoopis spin suhtekorralduses. Inimmaailm ilma varjuta, seda pole olemas. Kõik religioniga kaasnev ei ole lõpuni paha aga lihtsalt arvan et draiv nö komplekseid ususüsteeme järgida oma tänapäevasel kujul kogu oma täiuses on oma aja ära elanud. pigem siis yksikisiku vaimsus ilma pealt alla masinavärgita. koostöö anarhistlik ehk siis indiviidide algatusel ja vahel. võibolla siis on religioonil iga üksikisiku jaoks rohkem armastust ja vähem varjupoolt. Teisi rassisyndivuse või väljanägemise põhjal vihata siis see on muidugi tobe. Me ei ole valinud kellena sünnime. Teguviisi või suhtumist saab aga valida samuti religiooni. Neid ja nende varjupooli mittesallida aga on iga inimese mõistlik osa inimõigustest. Olen inimlikkuse Valguse poole ja‪#‎MõistusejasüdamegaEestipoolt‬! Olgu inimlikkus koos teiega, inimesed! Peace & Rakkaus! ♡

Mustanahaline eestlane: Teiste rasside vihkamine ei ole patriotism

Pagulaste teema on võtnud sel nädalal eriti vihase pöörde, pannes loodetavasti paljusid mõtlema selle peale, et viha ei aita kuidagi olukorda lahendada. Eriti kui võtta arvesse seda, et kannatajateks ei ole ainult pagulased või teisest kultuurist p...

aprill 10, 2015

Greece summons Estonian ambassador over Ilves's misinterpreted interview | News | ERR

Nice..Today 03:13
If He said: "I can't really talk about countries or names but you can make the deductions." then better blame the journalist when scandal hits the press. Somebody should look at the mirror. Someone should apologize to the journalist at least, the journalist shouldnt have to..

What is wrong with this picture, THI?

Greece summons Estonian ambassador over Ilves's misinterpreted interview | News | ERR

aprill 02, 2015

How to Woship the State

Discussion with Ex-Mormon Missionary Turned Christian

Galaxy Song - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

Whenever life gets you down, Mrs.Brown
And things seem hard or tough
And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft
And you feel that you've had quite enough

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour
That's orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned
A sun that is the source of all our power

The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see
Are moving at a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm, at forty thousand miles an hour
Of the galaxy we call the 'milky way'

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars
It's a hundred thousand light years side to side
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand light years thick
But out by us, it's just three thousand light years wide

We're thirty thousand light years from galactic central point
We go 'round every two hundred million years
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions
In this amazing and expanding universe

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding
In all of the directions it can whizz
As fast as it can go, the speed of light, you know
Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is

So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space
'Cause there's bother all down here on Earth


Read more: Monty Python - Galaxy Song Lyrics | MetroLyrics

aprill 01, 2015

Mormon Secrets: What the Missionaries Don't Tell

All About That Book - Mormon Parody of "All About that Bass"

After some time of seeing mormons, I was approached by a Mormon last week in bus, this time happened to be a Sister. I had Angel with me, i guess she thought we were safe to approach. And my kiddo didnt get jealous about it and behaved calmly :) She knew some sign language though so i took convo there, though she statrted with their missionary talk. She got bit too hopeful after i told that i have the Book and know bit about LD Saints and met some :) But book is standing on my shelf and i have browsed it only and not really a fan of a religion ie salvation and joining it. i got number though, but i bet if i call it they give me to dudes to handle me most likely. thou never know maybe i ll get nicer approach of them trying to convert me this time than one i had in Mormon Tallin HQ...when i told that i dont want to change my path etc any way enjoy song..:)

Cake - Short Skirt, Long Jacket (Music Video)

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes
I want a girl with the right allocations
Who's fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry
She's putting up her hair
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket...
I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
She is fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng... lonnng jacket
I want a girl with a smooth liquidation
I want a girl with good dividends
At Citibank we will meet accidentally
We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen
She wants a car with a cupholder arm rest
She wants a car that will get her there
She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler La Baron
I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket

märts 10, 2015

OP! kirjandus: Andrei Hvostov "Sillamäe passioon"

Hei, lugemissoovitus mulle ja kes veel seda lugenud pole. Raamat, mida veel pole lugenud aga kuna ma ka olen aeg-ajalt tundnud et ma ei kuulu päriselt sada prossa mitte kuhugi ( sootsiumi mõttes, kass kes kõnnib omapead , et ma olen võõrkeha siis äkki midagi mulle :) Ma ei tea kuidas teiega on aga mulle Hvostovi kirjastiil ja tema probleemide väljatoomine ja see süngus ja tõsidus millegipärast istub. Tõsine inimene nagu ma olen :)

veebruar 25, 2015

See maailm mis elab sinus

See maailm, mis elab sinus,
mis sinuga ühte loodi,
on sama vana kui sina
ja veidi su enda moodi.
See maailm sind peab kandma
ja sina pead kandma maailma,
ta on nii soe ja pehme,
tal on kaks niisket silma.

Kaks niisket lapsesilma,
mis võtavad sinult rahu.
Sa tunned, et kunagi enam
sa oma maailma ei mahu

Ja maailm enam ei mahu
su sülle sooja ja varju.
Nii on see ikka olnud,
miks siis sa veel ei harju,

et kõike ei saagi võtta,
et kõike ei saagi anda,
et vabadus on ja valu,
mis tuleb sul endal kanda.

jaanuar 19, 2015

Are you in a CULT?

Sam Harris on the Danger of Religious Moderates

How a religious moderation can be problematic

The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary)

Inside The World Of Scientology: Steve Mango

Inside Scientology Sea Org meeting

This is cleaned up audio version of video shot inside of a Scientology Sea Org meeting. In this video you can hear the speaker talking about how to get more money out of people. She basically is saying when people tell you they don't have more money, they do and how you can get it out of them. The cult has lied about this tactic for years and here you can not only see it is true but the Sea Org members are excited about it. This is the elite of Scientology who is headed by David Miscavige

Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishoner Reveals All

Loong but eyeopening account on how most cults aka religious borgs work...same shit diffrent borg...and as always the are scientifically stuck in 1950ies when it comes of auditing the a gay away...