aprill 01, 2015

All About That Book - Mormon Parody of "All About that Bass"

After some time of seeing mormons, I was approached by a Mormon last week in bus, this time happened to be a Sister. I had Angel with me, i guess she thought we were safe to approach. And my kiddo didnt get jealous about it and behaved calmly :) She knew some sign language though so i took convo there, though she statrted with their missionary talk. She got bit too hopeful after i told that i have the Book and know bit about LD Saints and met some :) But book is standing on my shelf and i have browsed it only and not really a fan of a religion ie salvation and joining it. i got number though, but i bet if i call it they give me to dudes to handle me most likely. thou never know maybe i ll get nicer approach of them trying to convert me this time than one i had in Mormon Tallin HQ...when i told that i dont want to change my path etc any way enjoy song..:)

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