Bushism of the day: :)
It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.
--George w. Bush
what else is new i finishedf reading the Collector by J.Fowles. To me it was story about when power and humanity collides. Intriguing book. Girl Miranda dies in captivity because one twisted dude whants to own her and not even sexually, but rather like butterfly in his collection. She dies because of disease pneumonia, and the fact that guy didnt want to lose her nor set her free because then hed be in trouble. Man is clearly sick, but its understandable that power and money( he won a money, then he had means to fulfill his sick idee fix) can do that to all human beings being capable ifffffff one realizes that one has to let other people live, which Fred Clegg doesnt want to see. he is obsessed of course
Oh I saw Pink Floyd Wall movie
heh that was thoughtsome. hmmm i saew how there was analogy of hitlers story first artist gainst system, then dictator of the system. the wall :)
all we are justt another brick in the wall
working like crazy three nighta row last week, heh and sleeping
dad has gone somewhere to trip???
saw nabil last week in pärnu, siprise visted me and Blakeys.
oh i visited summershool in july saw RHYs and lots other friends,
o god i think i am on crossroads. if there is god?
what we want to see certain things way we want, isuspect this could be same way with god and afterlife and religion too. ooops heretical thoughts shhhhhh
well now you know. there is argument of inteeligent maker and NDE and dreams, there is only one but. WE INTERPRET THINGS. any way i w been asking questions and thats good
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